


The 20224欧洲杯官网买球入口 offers a retirement plan under section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), enabling you to invest in your retirement via the convenience of regular automatic payroll contributions. The plan is administered by the Teachers Insurance 和 Annuity Association (TIAA) 和 participation is entirely voluntary. 它还包括罗斯期权.

供款是在税前或递延税项减薪的基础上缴付的, which means your current taxable income is reduced by the amount of your contributions, 和 taxes on those contributions 和 their investment earnings are deferred until they are paid back to you in the form of retirement benefits or other distributions from these plans. For biweekly-paid employees, retirement contributions will be deducted from each paycheck.


访问我们的DU TIAA网站


计划招生 & TIAA磋商

DU employees can open an account 和 manage their retirement plan through the DU Retirement TIAA website starting on their hire date. 供款可随时通过您的在线TIAA账户进行调整. 有关注册问题,请致电TIAA客户服务800-842-2252.

DU employees are eligible to meet with financial professionals from the University’s retirement plan service provider, TIAA免费为学生提供一对一的财务咨询. An employee does not need to be a participant of the 403(b) Plan in order to utilize this service. 这是一项免费服务,作为DU福利包的一部分.
















如需预约,员工可致电1-800-732-8353或 点击此处注册. 请注意您是否注册为客人, the times listed will be in Eastern St和ard Time - so please adjust accordingly.

Employees may also speak to a financial consultant on the phone by calling 1-800-842-2252 Monday through Friday from 6am to 8pm or Saturdays 7am to 4pm.

欲了解更多信息,请联系杰里米·汤普森 杰里米.thompson@tiaa.org or 303.607.2265.



DU will match your 4 percent contributions to this plan with an 8 percent match, 合计供款相当于你指定工资的12%. 比赛奖金在报名后立即100%兑现.


Appointed employees are eligible to enroll in the employer match feature of the retirement plan at any time after completing one year of service with the University or another qualified educational institution. This service requirement is defined as one year of service in a retirement benefit eligible position. 合格的教育机构, 根据IRC第170(b)(1)(A)(ii)条, is defined as an educational organization that "normally maintains a regular faculty 和 curriculum 和 normally has a regularly enrolled body of pupils or students in attendance at the place where its educational activities are regularly carried on."

If you are eligible to waive the one-year service requirement for the employer match feature:


参加本计划下的雇主配对计划, 你必须把指定工资的4%存入你的账户. These contributions may be directed into a wide array of investment options available through TIAA. 不允许通过雇主匹配功能额外供款.



The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) requires retirement plan administrators to provide participants 和 beneficiaries, 以书面形式, the most important facts they need to know about their retirement 和 health benefit plans. 这些事实包括计划规则, 财务信息, 以及20224欧洲杯官网买球入口运行和管理计划的文件.

One of the most important documents participants are entitled to receive automatically when becoming a participant of an ERISA-covered retirement plan, 或在该计划下获得利益的受益人, 计划的摘要是否被称为概要计划描述或SPD. 根据ERISA的条款, this document must be made available to participants 和 beneficiaries at least once every five years, 免费.

You may request a copy of the SPD 和/or SMM in paper form at no charge to you. 请致电303-871-3549联系斯蒂芬妮·特鲁希略或 Stephanie.Trujillo@e-bunka.com 如果你想要这些文件的纸质副本.




The 概要规划描述 (SPD) is a detailed guide to the benefits the program provides 和 how the plan works. It specifies when an employee may begin to participate in the plan 和 how to file a claim for benefits. 如果计划改变, participants must be informed via either a revised SPD or a separate document called a 材料修改摘要 (SMM). 这些文件必须免费提供给参与者.


The Plan Document governs the retirement plan's features 和 day-to-day operations.


The 材料修改摘要 (SMM) is a summary of the most important changes to the plan 和 information contained in the 概要规划描述. Changes include in-plan Roth rollover contributions 和 employer matching contributions.



10月1日生效, 2020, 总体计划行政服务费用(包括记录保存), 投资咨询, 和 legal) will be allocated to each participant account on a pro rata basis. This administrative expense will be deducted or netted from plan expense offsets in quarterly installments from your assets within the core lineup of investment options in the plan. 总费用约为0美元.每1美元收取72美元的年费,在你的账户上存了000英镑, 但可能会因计划费用和市场情况等因素而有所不同. Each quarter your online account 和 statements will itemize the amount charged to your account, the amount of any net revenue sharing received from your mutual fund investments, 和 the net plan services expense offsets earned in your annuity investments.

Please know that there have always been costs to participate in the retirement plan. You have not seen an explicit charge before because these charges had been bundled within the annual operating expense ratios of the investments. 在新的安排下, 你参加这个计划的成本会更明显, 直截了当的, 所有投资都是公平的.

费用有助于确保, 无论选择何种投资, 所有计划参与者分担退休计划管理的费用. 当你计划你的财务目标时, 请记住,费用只是决策过程中的一个因素.



